

时间:2023-09-28 14:48:40 | 来源:作文库


高一的英语作文 篇一

During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.

Many wonderful things are cared for in museums.There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many others.It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museums teach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaurs to robots,I love them all.

高一英语作文 篇二

Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural food. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood. However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been badly polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely.

As a result, man is being punished by nature. Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution. We should treat nature well and she will look after us.

高一的英语作文 篇三

Qianshan is a new economic zone with a population of more than three hundred thousand. Before the reform and opening up, Qianshan was only a small fishing-dominated village. There was no industry developing here and there were only a couple of schools. However, with the reform and opening up, everything has greatly changed. From then on, many foreign investors invest in here, which promotes rapid economic growth.

Many large factories and a large port have been built. The port connects with many cities at home and abroad. In addition, there is train station and airport. They contribute a well-developed transportation system. Education has been greatly developed and the first university has been built here. There has been three thousand students graduated from this university. I am sure that Qianshan will be more international in the near future.

高一英语作文 篇四




高一英语作文 篇五

For most people, they will choose to travel during holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressure of work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into traffic jams on the way to travel. Some people think that we can relax ourselves by traveling no matter of how many people there.

Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to travel because they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots. In my point of view, I would rather to stay indoors rather than going out to travel. Reasons are listed below.

高一的英语作文 篇六

I have a very good dream since I was a child, to be a painter.

I want to use my brush to describe the motherlands great rivers, want to draw all good to me, a persons thoughts will be from the picture, and I, is the man who want to be with brush about life.

Wanted to let everyone see my picture, because I hope my picture can let all people like my painting a happy. Had a dream never grow old, and I will for my dream has been trying to, I hope my efforts can help more people.

I also hope I can go to some poor places in those children drawing, painting can give people bring happiness, through draw to express their emotions, their idea is very good.

There are some very beautiful places in China, I also want to use my hand brush paint the motherland great rivers, through every corner.

People should strive for my ideal, so I want to use the hands of the brush to paint the world.







高一英语作文 篇七

Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming.

?As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididnt know the society.

?Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others.

?I am now a boy, I should be like a man.





高一英语作文 篇八

Can Money Buy Happiness ?

Can money buy happiness ? People have various answers to the question . Some people may say , “Yes .” In their eyes , only a rich man can live a happy life . For example , a man with plenty of money can buy delicious food , beautiful dresses , luxurious houses , expensive cars—anything required for him to live comfortably and enjoyably . For this reason , some people enjoyably . For this reason , some people believe that money is the source of happiness .

On the other hand , there are still a lot of others who take a negative attitude towards money . They think that money is the root of all evil . As a proverb goes , “Money makes the mare go .” Money can drive people into stealing , robbing and even murdering Many people become criminals just because they were in search of much more money . For these people . money brings them nothing but evil and misery .

In my view money , when justly obtained and properly used , can bring us happiness and blessings . However , if we try every possible means , good or evil , to get money for nothing , money means nothing but a source of evil . Therefore , I believe that money is a good servant but a bad master .

高一的英语作文 篇九

Stress comes in all shapes and size, and has become pervasive, it seems topenetrate everything and everybody, it's hard to get through a day withouthearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as somekind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problemhas progressively risen since the 1980s.

Why all the disorder? After all, stresshas been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, Stress is anunavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life.However, just as distress can caw disease, there are good stresses that balancethis, and promote wellness.

高一英语作文 篇十

This summer, my mother and I returned to my hometown - the beautiful mountain city of Chongqing.

Chongqing is a hilly, juicy, multi-city bridge. Chongqing is characterized in that mountainous side of the road, next to the house, near the river, mountain vaguely like hide and seek with you, when the time is now hidden. One crown per peaks are full of a vibrant scene. In the middle of the mountains, everywhere a seat house. In Chongqing, there is a feature you do not see the front of the house is very close, but to go up, but very far away, because you want to go to there opinions mountain.

Chongqing bridge more, it is also a characteristic. Yangtze River Bridge, Caiyuanba, Egongyan, the largest Buddhist temple Bridge ...... just count like base, and each bridge has its own characteristics, and some like a rainbow, and some like a big harp. . . Especially at night, street lights m.baihuawen.cn opened, simply let you dizzying, colorful, dazzling.

Chongqing also has a feature that its the food. It is spicy with spicy noodles, hot and sour powder, bean curd. . . My most memorable thing in the world in the first row, savory spicy food for thought.

This is my lovely hometown.


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