
My dad英语作文(优秀8篇)

时间:2023-04-22 08:28:25 | 来源:作文库

在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下内容是虎知道为您带来的8篇《My dad英语作文》,希望能为您的思路提供一些参考。

My dad英语作文 篇一

I love my dad. He is a tall man with glasses. He has black hair.He is a handsome man.He is 35 years old.

He is a manager.He is hard-wording.He gets up early and goes to work by car every day.Sometimes,he goes to work all day and all night.But he also helps me with my homework and plays ball games with me every weekend.He is very kind and patient.He takes care of my family.He is busy,but he still finds time to stay with me.

He is a smart,patient,kind and hard-working man.He is a great dad.

英语作文:我的爸爸 篇二

My father is a civil servant, a tall, a little fat, round face, a little black, he does not love, but love to laugh, he is an amiable person, I'm not afraid of him. His work seems very busy, sometimes, often drink outside, I still dare to scold him, I wouldn't let him drink more wine, he said, he also don't want to drink, is for the sake of entertainment, that I don't understand.

My dad love story for me, since I can remember, tell me a story every day, so I know the story of much more special, the classmates all envy me.

My father also love cooking, especially delicious Fried, he's the chef in our house!

I like my father, father love me, too.





英语作文:我的爸爸 篇三

People usually say father is quiet and strict, but my father is totally not. He is easygoing.


I have a good relationship with my father and we are good friends to each other.


We have many topics to talk about because we have much in common.


For example, we like playing football.


After dinner, we often go to the downstairs to play. I learn many football skills from him.


Besides, we like playing video games or computer games.


Sometimes, we compete to each other, while sometimes we make a team to compete to others.


Of course, he puts study as my priority, so he cares much about my study as well.


He once said that he hoped me to study happily.


I am really grateful to have such a good father.


英语作文:我的爸爸 篇四

On Saturday morning, the sky is cloudless and sunny.

After eating too early, I came out of the community yard to go to an English class. I saw an old grandmother suddenly fell to the ground. I hurried to help her up. Before I could reach out, my grandmother said that I had knocked her down.

Suddenly, my mind is blank, I dont know what to say. I was spinning like an ant on a hot pot. I stammered, no... No... I made it. Who but you! The old granny said angrily. After a while, a lot of people came around. After about 50 minutes, a policeman came over and said, old lady, dont make a mistake for this child. Just now, I investigated that someone saw that you fell down. This child is doing a good job. After listening to the police uncles explanation, grandma realized that she had wronged me and thanked me all the time.

Back home, I told dad about it. My father praised me and said, its a good habit to be ready to help others, but when someone wrongs you or wrongs you, you need to find the police uncle to help!

英语作文:我的爸爸 篇五


Dad has been on a business trip for more than two months. I miss you very much in my heart.


When Dad Ping was at home, he would take me for a ride whenever he was free and take me to eat Ken said that although I don't like to eat the food in it, dad knows that I like to play there, because the sanitary environment there is very clean! It's interesting to teach me to play with typing, tell me stories, and compete with me to get on the net and watch TV!


One night I fell asleep and dreamed that my father was coming home by plane. I saw my father jump up happily. My father picked me up and gave me a fierce stab with his beard. He kissed me again, as if to tell my father that he was really home. When I fell asleep, my father accompanied me to sing me ballads and basket songs!

英语作文:我的爸爸 篇六


On Sunday, my father said that he would make me a delicious meal to feast my mouth.


When dad was cooking in the kitchen, he accidentally cut his hand with a knife. I quickly brought my father an alcohol cotton ball and a band aid from the cupboard. First, I used an alcohol cotton ball to wipe my father's wound. Then, I took a band aid to cover my father's wound tightly. Dad washed the vegetables, but the wound hurt when it came to the water, so Dad had to wash it with one hand. I saw it and said, "Dad, can I help you with the dishes?" "Father listened to say:" good My father is commanding me. I clean the onions, cabbage, spinach and celery and put them on the plate for my father. My father praised me as a good boy. I'm happy to hear that.


Today I did something meaningful.

英语作文:我的爸爸 篇七

Every child has a favorite father, no children are different fathers, I like my father, I will tell you about my father now!

My dad tall tall, thin face, pointed nose, moisten mouth, nose with a pair of big glasses, curved eyebrows.

My father is very kind, never how to criticize me, if I made any mistakes, my father told me some reason. What to do, what should not do, have to tell me.

My father is very economical, he often said to me, to save water, save electricity, my father often said, I had to do so.

My father is busy, busy also nothing, he is the unit on the leadership, generally at home, only my mother and I at dinner table to eat, my father is also outside to eat, sometimes, my father should take me and my mother go together The

My father no love to drink, drunk, home is not sleep. I know my father and mother so hard to work, do not want me to be better.

I love my dad, I love my mom, I love my home more.

英语作文:我的爸爸 篇八

My dad is not tall, black eyebrows with a pair of sharp eyes below, I do nothing to escape his eyes, because my father was a child often do housework, so the body is very strong.

My father is very amiable, but he also has a serious side, when I test the poor test, the father will become serious up, will be angry and asked me: "how do you test this is so bad, is not to I am fan you ah? "However, when I test well, my father will smile and said to me:" Son, very good Well, worthy of reward, next time make persistent efforts to test better! "

Every time my father came to my house, my family became a humorous theater, my father often lying in bed tease me, I do, sometimes often lying on my father's stomach, suppress him, he is not angry, but also Filled with: "package adults mercy, small also did not dare to say." I have already laughing broken belly. And sometimes, I play will be a bit too far, my father will say: "play is to play, do not play too far, this is very bad, very dangerous.

This is my humorous, amiable, there is a serious side of the father, I like him!

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本文地址:My dad英语作文(优秀8篇)https://www.gybole.com/zuowenfanwen/59046.html
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