
My mother精彩5篇

时间:2023-04-19 08:37:02 | 来源:作文库

母亲是冬夜里的一床棉被,当你瑟瑟发抖时,贴心的呵护和温暖使你安然入梦;母亲是黑暗中的一盏明灯,当你迷失方向时,模糊的光亮和希望使你找到方向;母亲是疲惫时的一杯清茶,当你疲倦无力时,淡雅的磬香和醇美。下面是虎知道为大伙儿带来的5篇《My mother》,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。

My mother英语作文 篇一

My mother is a simple woman who comes from the countryside with little education. But in my eyes, she is the greatest mother in the world. Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life. Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up, the scene that happened three years ago to mother just come into my mind.

Having asked for a leave from the teacher, I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm. Father was at work, brother was at school, mother wouldn't be back from her small store until evening. I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself. I bounded up steps, burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw. Mother was sitting in the sofa, sobbing with her shoulder twitching. I had never seen mother crying before. I went close to her, asking what had happened. She wiped her tears, forced a smile, and told me calmly that her small store was going to break. I didn’t know how to comfort her at the moment, but I did know what the small store meant to her.

Mother ran the small store in order for my brother and me to have a better education. As father worked with low salary which could merely afford the whole family's life necessities, mother had to try hard to earn money for our education. She was frantic to make money before she managed the store herself. She once worked day and night for months on end in a small restaurant. It was a very difficult period of time for her. But she never complained before us. Eventually, she had her own business by running the small store. And she really managed it well all the time with great efforts. I never expected that the store would break. This will undoubtedly take everything away from my mother. I couldn't help worrying about her. Mother seemed to read the worry on my face. She patted me on my shoulder, speaking with a faint smile: "Well, it may not be that serious. I'll try to make it better whatever. We'll be fine, my dear boy." I was so moved by mother's words. It turned out that mother really rebuilt her business soon and the store ran well. I could imagine how much mother had paid for her small store business. It was really too much for a woman. But she never gave up. She just went ahead with her unusual perseverance.

Now both my brother and I are studying at college. Mother works harder to finance our education. She is struggling by all means to keep the store business going. Her unusual perseverance is so inspiring to me that I will never give up halfway in my life.

My mother英语作文 篇二

Last week, my elder sister gave birth to a baby girl. I was so happy for our family joining one more member. I helped my sister to look after the baby. She was so small but looked old, and I laughed. This girl cried now and then. I had no idea what to do. When she peed, I had to change her clothes. Raising a baby is not easy. My mother has two daughters. It must be really hard for her, especially me, I was so naughty when I was one year old. Being a mother is a big decision, as it means to sacrifice a lot. I am so thankful to my mother. She is a good mother.

My mother英语作文带翻译 篇三

在我记忆的心扉中,妈妈很少笑,但是我印象最深的有很多,妈妈笑的那么温柔。 我这次期中考试语文90,数学95,总之比以前好多了。

In the heart of my memory, my mother seldom smiles, but I am most impressed by many, my mother smiles so gently. My mid-term examination of Chinese 90, mathematics 95, in a word, much better than before.

我把成绩单拿回家的时候妈妈笑了我知道妈妈的笑容是高兴的,还说:“我们的女儿这么聪明,长大了一定有出息。”吃饭的时候妈妈还忙着帮盛饭。 妈妈的笑了,真的笑了。

When I took my report card home, my mother smiled. I knew that my mother's smile was happy, and said, "our daughter is so smart, and she will(www.huzhidao.com) be promising when she grows up." Mom is still busy helping with the dinner. Mom smiled. She did.

My mother英语作文 篇四

I have a gentle mother. She has a pair of watery eyes, a high nose and a small mouth, a pair of thick eyebrows and a waterfall black hair.

Once, my mother was suffering from a disease called gallstones. Waist will often painful, went to a hospital checking, after check, the doctor said something in the belly is gradually expanding, don't know what is it, so need to be hospitalized observe. The doctor put mom in a special ward, the nurse take care, mom special touched. It's time for lunch, hospitals haven't cooked dinner, I'm afraid of mother and said to mother: "I'll give you buy boxes of rice." Say that finish, I hurried to run out, at this moment, just under the storm, I run in the heavy rain, afraid of bento sold out. So I work harder, go faster and faster, finally ran to the place where sell lunch box, only the last box, if only one minute later bought by others. Back to the hospital, I gave the bento to mother, mother kua I is a good boy, then eat up.

I don't give my mother's love, mother returns. Love is powerful, and people of the world's greatest, most selfless. I want to shout loudly: "mom, I love you!"

My mother英语作文 篇五

My mother takes care of me all the time, she is around me when I need help. Unlike my father, who is so severe and busy, my mother is very kind, when I make mistakes, she will not angry, she tells me to take care of these mistakes and should not make them next time. I am so thankful to my mother, she sacrifices so many things for me.

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