
My day

时间:2022-07-11 13:42:03 | 来源:作文库

 OnFridays ,I get up at 6:00.I wash my face at 6:10 .I have breakfast at 6:30 inmyschool.

  I usually go to school on foot. I don’t like to be late.

  I do some reading at 7:00. And our classes begin at 7:40 .Ihave lunch at noon .Inthe afternoon, the classes are over at 4:40 ,and I get home at 4:50.A t 5:00, I have supper .

  In the evening , I often watch TV .Sometimes I like to play with my friends. I go to bed at about 9:33,it’s my day .I am very happy today.

本文地址:My dayhttps://www.gybole.com/zuowenfanwen/15659.html

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