
A good boy

时间:2022-06-22 13:33:21 | 来源:作文库

One day, the school was over. Jim was on his way home and it was raining heavily. Luckily, he went to school with an umbrella this afternoon. He held the umbrella in the rain. Suddenly, he saw an old man walking in the rain, and he was wet through. Jim was so helpful that he ran towards the old man as quickly as he could. Then he held the umbrella for him. But he was too short to do that. He was very worried. He thought and thought. At last, he saw the stick in the old man’s hand and came up with a good idea. He tied the stick to the handle of the umbrella. Now it was long enough. They went on their way together. When they reached the old man’s house, Jim left away at once without waiting for the thanks.

  What a good, kind boy!

  We must learn from Jim. We must be always ready to help the people who need help.

本文地址:A good boyhttps://www.gybole.com/zuowenfanwen/13043.html

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